Lavender Essential Oil Process

Article published at: Feb 25, 2023 Article author: Kari Chapman
Lavender Essential Oil Process
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Step 1: Harvest

The ideal time to harvest lavender for oil distillation is when yields are highest, as different farmers have distinct practices. For instance, Farmer Rick waits until the flowers are wilted and the buds just starting to drop. Our goal is to take as little stem as feasible, as trace elements of oil can be found on stems, but not in sufficient quantities to warrant the still's capacity. Therefore, stuffing as much bud as possible into the still should yield the greatest amount of oil from a single run.

Step 2: Pack Still

Upon harvest, the still must be loaded at maximum capacity; the lavender is placed above a screen to prevent plant matter from entering the boiling water below. The amount of organic material necessary depends on the size of the still; once the container is filled to brim, the clamps should be securely fastened.

Step 3: Add & Heat Water

Heating the water in the base of the still begins the process; the boiling point of lavender oil (204°F) is less than that of water (212°F), thus initiating the vaporization of essential oils before water boils. The bonnet on the still captures steam and oil vapors which are then sent into the condenser tube.

Step 4: Condensation

The condenser tube is angled down, allowing gravity to draw the newly condensed liquids out of the still and collect them in a graduated cylinder. As oil and water don't mix, the lavender essential oil will be easily distinguishable and can be collected by monitoring the temperature in the process. Maintaining consistent temperatures is key.


The result of the steam distillation is hydrosol, a combination of water (hydro) and dissolved compounds. Lavender Hydrosol is a useful household cleaner, often saved and sold by lavender farmers, including us. This natural product contains only water and lavender solubles and is distinctively fragranced with a pleasant "green" scent, unlike lavender essential oil.  We will go into greater detail of Hydrosol at a later date.

Step 5: Essential Oil

The lavender essential oil atop the hydrosol in the graduated cylinder is easily collected by pouring it off. To secure the remainder, a pipette is then employed to collect the oil from the surface of the hydrosol to prevent any hydrosol from entering the oil.


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