Whoot Whoot....I'm jumping the gun here...

Article published at: Mar 25, 2023 Article author: Kari Chapman
Whoot Whoot....I'm jumping the gun here...
All Lavender and flowers on our farm Article comments count: 0
BUT..... sometimes it is too good to hold in!!!!

My husband the GREAT man that he is... Just bought me a new STILL

Yes he did!!!

He purchased for me a new Essential Oil still from Clawhammer Supply.


Now I'm not endorsing them because to be honest we have never used their product before, and i do not get any kind of kickback... i'm just sharing information...AND because it is a stainless steel, i'm reserving judgment.  Now, they have a feature, where you purchase copper and add it to the process so that the steam must move through the copper to allow for the removal of the sulfur.  I've watched the videos, and have reviewed the testimonials swearing to the efficacy of this process... so... We are going to give it a try.  

I will say... the customer service has been amazing from the start.

So when the product arrived... there was a slight hiccup with the leveling of the two containers... no biggy, and within just a few days, everything new arrived, and everything was resolved, no questions, no problems.

We are on to the next steps.  We will be connecting up the heating element, to ensure that all is properly functional and make a test run.

When we finally run with lavender.  We are going to run our original copper still at the same time and do some smell testing so see if there is any compromise with the stainless system.  

We are crossing our fingers that there isn't.  Because believe you me... Our copper still can only hold 800g of plant material at MOST where as the stainless system can hold up to 8 gallons....THAT is a HUGE difference, and what a time saver!

Ok... tada for now.


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