Understanding the CNC Machining Process

Article published at: Apr 4, 2023 Article author: Kari Chapman
CNC Machining Process
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Overview of CNC Machining Process

So the process itself can be quite easy or downright hard... really depending on your own skill level at the time when you learn this process.  

To sum it up, I again, leave it up to Thomasnet to share their wisdom.  


CNC machining has evolved from NC machining and uses computer controls to power and adjust machine tools in the crafting and machining of materials such as metal, plastic, wood, foam, composite, etc. into custom parts and designs.  Regardless of the varieties of CNC machining operations, the core principles involved remain consistent. The basic CNC machining process includes the following stages:

  • Designing the CAD model
  • Converting the CAD file to a CNC program
  • Preparing the CNC machine
  • Executing the machining operation

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