CNC, What is it? What does it even mean???

Article published at: Apr 4, 2023 Article author: Kari Chapman
CNC Machine
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CNC 101:

According to: Thomasnet

CNC stands for 'computer numerical control', and is a subtractive process harnessing computer-controlled methods and machines to cut material away from a base, or 'blank', creating a custom-made part.

This process can be used to process a broad selection of materials, including metals, plastics, wood, glass, foam, and composites. It is ideal for CNC machining of large parts and prototypes in telecommunications, and machining aerospace parts with high tolerance requirements.

The distinction between CNC machining and CNC machine is key—the former is a process, and the latter is a tool. A CNC machine (sometimes inaccurately labeled a C and C machine) is an automated device equipped for CNC machining operations.

I saw my first video of this process and fell in love!




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